- Barge Statistics for Grains and Soybeans
- Barge Terminal Distribution
- Brazil Soybean Production and Net Trade
- Barge vs. Rail vs. Truck: U.S. Soybean Modal Shares
- U.S. Major Crop Aggregate Net Revenue
- When are Soybeans and Grain Exported: Quarterly Share of Export Inspections
- Current and Future Demand for Carloadings and Barge Loadings of Soybeans in 26 Focus States
- Rail Carloading Statistics for Soybeans and Grains
- Rail Soybean Destinations (percent by state)
- Rail Shuttle Elevator Distribution
- Soybean Supply and Demand Forecast
- Farm to Market Pipeline Distribution at Harvest
- Transit Distance Comparisons of U.S. and Brazilian Soybean Routings
- U.S. Planted Acreage